The Université Catholique de Lille is glad to welcome you to its Open Day on Saturday 2nd December, in the presence of more than 30 schools/faculties.

Students, families, we look forward to welcoming you on campus or online. Our staff will be there to answer any questions you may have regarding our different programmes at the FLD. Ask any questions to the resources persons: students ambassadors, teachers, Programme Directors… and participate in conferences…
In Lille, all student services will also be there : Housing – Parcoursup platform – Financial help – Service for persons with reduced mobility …


Discover below the full programme of our conferences which can be followed online:

Lille Campus – 58 rue du Port, Lille

9:30am > 5:30pm : Several conferences are organized throughout the day to enable you to discover our programmes and our campuses.

Conference 1

TopicLegal studies and Careers
Time10am > 11am – St Louis auditorium

 Conference 2

TopicParcoursup: How to succeed in your application and your 1st year of law studies
Time11:30am> 12:30pm – St Louis auditorium

Conference 3

TopicMonMaster platform : how to make a successful application
Time11:30am> 12:30pm – RS031 auditorium


Conference 4 – Discussion with students

TopicWhat is it like to study law? Our students talk about their experiences…
Time12:30pm> 13:30pm – RS151 auditorium

Conference 5

TopicWhich Bachelors programmes available on the Lille Campus?
Time1:30pm > 3pm – St Louis auditorium

Conference 6

TopicChoosing a double degree in Law & Management :
– D1 Prep Course in Law & Economics, in partnership with Marcq Institution
– The Business Law & Management programme (from 3rd Year Bachelors to Master 2), in partnership with EDHEC Business School – Lille Campus
Time3:30pm > 4:30pm – St Louis auditorium


Issy-les-Moulineaux Campus – 35 rue Gabriel Péri, Issy-les-Moulineaux

9:30am > 5:30pm : Several conferences are organized throughout the day to enable you to discover our programmes and our two campuses.

Conference 1

TopicLegal studies and Careers
Time10am > 11am – Michel Debré auditorium

Conference 2

TopicParcoursup platform: How to succeed in your application and your 1st year at the FLD ?
Time11:30am > 12:30pm – Michel Debré auditorium

Conference 3

TopicMonMaster platform : how to make a successful application
Time11:30am > 12:30pm – Simon Veil auditorium

Conference 4 – Discussion with students

Topic What is it like to study law? Our students talk about their experiences…
Time12:30pm > 1:30pm – Simon Veil auditorium

Conference 5

TopicWhich Bachelors programmes available on the Issy-les-Moulineaux Campus?
Time1:30pm > 3pm – Michel Debré auditorium

Conference 6

TopicChoosing a double degree in Law & Management :
– D1 Prep Course in Law & Economics, in partnership with Marcq Institution
– The Business Law & Management programme (from 3rd Year Bachelors to Master 2), in partnership with EDHEC Business School – Lille Campus
Time3:30pm > 4:30pm – Michel Debré auditorium



For any further information, please contact:
LILLE CAMPUS : Arnaud BOGAERT / +33(0)3 59 56 79 31
ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX CAMPUS : Caroline ROBIC / +33(0)7 85 89 77 98

Article edited the 24 October 2023

See also

International / Lille

Europe Month at the FLD

Information / Lille

The FLD is hiring!