International / Students

Our students shine at the Jessup competition!

Our FLD students were able to shine and practise their public speaking skills at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, a major international moot court competition for law students.

This was a simulation of a fictitious dispute between countries in front of the International Court of Justice. The different teams presented oral and written pleadings on issues of public international law, preparing both the plaintiff’s and the defendant’s positions.

More than 700 faculties in 100 countries, join this competition via, in first place, national and regional rounds, to determine which faculty would represent its country during the big final. In France, the national rounds took place on February 22nd & 23rd 2024 at White & Case in Paris, Place Vendôme.

The team that represented the FLD during these national rounds consisted of four students of the Master 1 International & European Organisations : Lucy Moore, Joy Chamaa, Claire Kozlow et Augustin Dhorne. This competition represents several months of hard work, our students have been working on this competition since the 1st semester!

They proudly reached the semi-finals of the national rounds and took a fine 3rd place!

They also went home with several prizes:

  • Best Applicant Memorial Award;
  • Best Team Spirit Award;
  • A nominative award for Claire Kozlow : the 7th Best Oralist of the 2024 French National Rounds Award

We are very proud of our students and all the hard work they have put in to achieve this excellent 3rd place!


Article edited the 19 March 2024

See also

International / Lille

Europe Month at the FLD

Information / Lille

The FLD is hiring!