1 à 13 / 13 résultats pour votre recherche

You are not European or living in a country concerned by the “Studying in France” procedure

...obligations (essay / commentary of judgement / study case). Read our Past papers Download conditions of admission of the Exam Apply for another programme PLEASE FOLLOW THE FRENCH SPEAKING…

You are a non-european living in Europe

...Application : step 1 You are living in Europe (except France) : file a preliminary request for admission (DAP / Dossier Blanc – White File) Download the White File…

Our Erasmus+ Engagements

  Download the ICL Erasmus+ Charter Download the Erasmus 2021-2027 Strategy Statement of the Institut Catholique de Lille...

What about our graduates?

...written, which prepared me very well for the competitive examinations for police officer and police commissioner”. During this year of the Master’s programme, Mathilde passed both the officer’s and…

Page d’accueil

...shares with… International / Lille An international summer at the Faculty of Law This summer, The Université Catholique de Lille reaffirmed its commitment to international openness and academic… International…

An app to hear it all!

...quality of listening! A solution that allows you to follow your course in comfort! For more information on the installation of the app please visit our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9WgZDQZYmU…

Environmental, Constitutional and International Dialogue

...annals of the event have been published in two collections (papers presented and papers by speakers), printed by Editora Lumen Juris (with free access at www.dialogaci.com), which include lectures…

FAQ Student services / Student life

...any other questions). They will listen to you, provide support and guidance in complete confidentiality. More infor here: https://www.all-lacatho.fr/fr/contact?id_category=8 Student life Are there any humanitarian associations on campus? Several…

Release of the book « L’enfant et le sexe » published by Dalloz Editions

...on several topics related to children, sex and sexuality, while decompartmentalizing the various branches of law in order to highlight complex notions. The protection of the body and person…

Who was Robert Badinter, the most important Frenchman of whom you never heard?

...unable to save a client, Roger Bontems. While Bontems did not have any blood on his hands, he was found guilty for complicity in the murder of a nurse…

3rd place in the Cassin competition for our DHSD Masters students!

...the state itself. Indeed, in this competition, the complaint lodged is against a citizen for acts that he or she has allegedly committed. Following this preparation, the team, composed…

500 legal consultations reached for the Law Bus!

...This was a great opportunity for them to combine theoretical learning with practice by attending interviews conducted by volunteer lawyers who respond to legal difficulties with experience and kindness.

Practical information

...Lille campus. For further information please contact: Accueil de l’AEU 47 bd Vauban – 59000 Lille Tel : 03 20 15 97 70 – www.aeu.asso.fr Other solutions also proposed…