Let’s focus on your skills !
Going further than the bachelor’s degree decree
A new decree impacting all national bachelor’s degrees was published on 30th July 2018. It follows the law of 8th March 2018 regarding the course guidance and success of students. Since September 2019, the general organisation of bachelor’s degree studies has gradually been evolving. The general framework remains the same (number of ECTS, semesters…) but the decree brings many innovations such as the reinforcement of the personalization of the courses, the creation of the pedagogical contract for the success of the student or the development of innovative support devices. The Faculty of Law of l’Université Catholique de Lille is fully involved in this new system and has decided to go even further with the PRELUDE project.
Prélude* : Parcours Réussite en Licence Universitaire à Développement Expérientiel (Successful completion of the bachelor’s degree with experiential learning)
Les Facultés de l’Université Catholique de Lille et l’Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France (linked by the same values of excellence, humanism performance and solidarity)have won a call for PIA3 projects (ANR) on the transformation and modernization of university courses. We are honoured to have received this distinction awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
The acronym chosen (PRELUDE) shows a real change in our university system in line with the transformation of today’s society. This project is a real opportunity for each student coming at the Faculty of Law to acquire knowledge, professional and personal skills. By putting forward the skills of each of our students, we are convinved that they will make the difference with employers and will become enlightened citizens and professionals, aware of the challenges of tomorrow. The goal of PRELUDE is to enable them to fully participate in the construction of their career in their favourite field of study, Law, by creating a balance between academic knowledge and experience. This notion of skills will become a real lever of success for the student, which secures his or her insertion into the professional world of tomorrow.
Prélude at the FLD : What will change for our students ?
Starting from September 2021, the Prélude project will be implemented for all 1st year degree, on both Lille and Issy-les-Moulineaux campuses regardless of the course chosen.
Throughout the three years of the degree, our goal is to gradually lead each student towards success and the acquisition of the knowledge needed for the exercise of their future profession, whether it be know-how or life skills. The purpose of every bachelor’s degree will not be limited to learning; understanding through practice and the acquisition of specific skills will be essential. Strong links will be created between knowledge and competence. Are students at the FLD are lawyers in the making and the Prélude pedagogy will enable them to develop essential skills for their future professional and personal lives. The humanities, for example, are essential for a better understanding of the world in which they will work. Knowing how to use digital technology will be essential in order to take full advantage of technological developments during their professionnal career. The Law Clinic will make them aware of the social dimension of the career field they have chosen and of their role in relation to those facing trial. They will be trained to be tomorrow’s citizens and informed legal professionals. They will be able to apply what they have learned through a course enriched by Prélude. In addition to the state-recognised degree, the student will finish his Bachelor’s degree with a passport of identified, certified and valued skills. They will be obtained step by step throughout his 3 years degree and will be valued when looking for internships, Master’s degrees and jobs.
*This work has benefited from State aid managed by the National Research Agency under the Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir launched by the State and implemented by the ANR under the reference ANR-18-NCUN-0019
Article edited the 19 July 2021
See also
International / Students