
Conference- Debate: The Bobigny Trial

On 17 October, from 6pm to 8.30pm, the Faculty of Law of the Université Catholique de Lille will be hosting a must-attend conference and debate focusing on the Bobigny trial, a key moment in the history of women’s rights in France. The event will be based around the play ‘Reconstitution : The Bobigny Trial’, adapted by Sophie and Basile Ader and will be followed by a discussion on the far-reaching impact of this trial.


The Bobigny trial, held in 1972, marked a decisive turning point in the defence of women’s rights. The case stems from the tragic story of Marie-Claire Chevalier, a young girl who had an abortion after being raped, with the help of her mother, Michèle Chevalier. At the time, abortion was severely punished by law. Lawyer Gisèle Halimi turned this trial into a political platform to denounce inequality of access to abortion, supported by iconic figures such as Simone de Beauvoir.


A trial that made history

The verdict handed down in Bobigny was seen as a significant step forward. Marie-Claire Chevalier was acquitted, while the other defendants received light sentences. This trial laid the foundations for a movement that would, three years later, lead to the Veil law, decriminalising abortion in France.


The play ‘Reconstitution : The Bobigny Trial’ offers a unique opportunity to reflect on this historic moment and its impact on contemporary society. The staging of this work raises essential questions about justice, feminism, and women’s right to control their own bodies.


Top-class speakers

To deepen the discussion on the implications of the Bobigny trial, several key figures will share their expertise and perspectives on the evolution of abortion laws, the ethical and professional challenges faced by lawyers in such cases, as well as their experiences and reflections on the current legal framework surrounding abortion:

  • Stéphanie Kretowicz, Présidente du Tribunal Judiciaire de Lille
  • Philippe Simoneau, Bâtonnier de l’Ordre des Avocats de Lille
  • Carine Delaby-Faure, Avocate du Barreau de Lille
  • Mathilde François, Avocate du Barreau de Lille


Why attend?

This event will allow an in-depth exploration of the issues that have shaped women’s rights in France. The audience will hear from experts discussing the repercussions of the Bobigny trial and remember the struggle of those who fought for equitable access to abortion. A time for discussion will also be set aside for collective reflection on the subject.


Join us on 17 October for an evening of sharing on a subject that continues to resonate in our society.


Where: Faculty of Law, Université Catholique de Lille, room RS 31
When: 17 October 2024, from 6pm to 8.30pm.

Article edited the 4 October 2024