ECOPOSS BIENNIAL – The future of all possibilities is open to you!
Free event – open to all
For more than 10 years now, the Université Catholique de Lille has been undergoing a profound transformation to become an exemplary third place for a more sustainable, more ethical future. Between ecosystems, demonstrators, innovative teaching methods and more than convincing results, this initiative has been emulated!
This transformation, named ECOPOSS, goes far beyond our University, it has been able to set in motion all the actors of society to imagine desirable futures and raise general awareness. Today, ECOPOSS wants more than ever to build on this project and make it grow by touching on the humanities as well as law, technology and art, health and citizenship.
It is up to us to design the world of tomorrow!
To celebrate this extraordinary approach that drives each of our Faculties, the first major ECOPOSS event will take place from 26 to 30 October 2022 on all our campuses!
This event is organised by the Université Catholique de Lille (Espas-Estice, Icam, ISTC, Junia, ICL Faculties and Schools, GHICL) and several external partners, which will bring a wind of renewal to the entire Vauban neighbourhood.
Open to the general public as well as to families, students, researchers and entrepreneurs, the spirit of this event will be to dare to praise the future in order to enable everyone to become more involved in this ecological and societal transition that drives us! Among the events of this Biennial :
- an « Imagine » film festival
- a book fair
- 2 competitions for short film scripts and literary short stories
- The 2022 France Social weeks
- The international foresight meetings
- International scientific conferences on the themes of data ethics and smart and sustainable cities: a large-scale programme for this project that affects us all on a daily basis.
FLD projects for this Biennial
Imagining a future where everyone would have access to justice – The Law Bus
From Thursday 27th to Sunday 30t octobre – P1 Parking – rue du Port in Lille
A true immersive experience in The Law Bus, the photograph artists are inspired and nourished by human interactions between litigants, lawyers and students to question the desirable future of the Law. A real innovation in a judicial world often perceived as complex and unchanging, let yourself be surprised by the simplicity of an access to justice that defies the imagination.
Children and screens
Thursday 27th October from 9am to 1pmd – RS 31
A multidisciplinary discussion between researchers and the general public on the use of screens by children, their uses, impacts and good practices. It will be followed by a theatre-debate questioning the public on the role of parents in their child’s use of screens.
Enfants et écrans dans le futur
Thursday 27th October – afternoon
Ethical issues related to childhood and digital technology, questioning the future uses of digital technology by children in the continuity of the “children and screens” conference (1-2 April 2021), proceedings published in 2022.
Imagining and acting on the digital future of work
Friday 28th October from 11:30am to 1:30pm – RS 252
Through a life-size experiment, students in work-study masters programmes proposed tools that they had designed to draw up the work of tomorrow based on potential scenarios for their professions. This educational approach is part of the Studio droit/digital, a collective projection exercise for our students who had to propose a prototype idea, support it and also identify its legal and ethical limits. Three projects were selected in May 2022 to be presented and discussed during this biennial.
La CIDE expliquée aux enfants
Thursday 27th to Sunday 30th – from 9am to 6pm – Robert Schuman Lobby
The collaboration of the students of the Master 2 of the Childhood and Family Chair and a renowned cartoonist has resulted in an educational comic strip explaining to children their rights and how to implement them. The aim? To make a desirable future possible where children know their rights and are involved in implementing them. And above all, to raise their awareness so that they acquire practical and essential knowledge of the law in today’s world.
Les futurs souhaitables en santé : la vision des juristes du 21e siècle
Friday 28th October from 9:30am to 1pm (3 sessions of 1h30 each) – Amphitheatre Féron-Vrau at the Faculty of Medicine (FMM)
- Accepting the disability or fixing it? and how?
Discover sketches performed by actors on the theme of a desirable future in health: humanistic or high-performance medicine? This will be followed by a round table discussion with experts - Eugénisme
Discover sketches performed by actors on the theme of a desirable future in health: humanistic or high-performance medicine? This will be followed by a round table discussion with experts - Artificial Intelligence, Data and Health
Discover sketches performed by actors on the theme of a desirable future in health: humanistic or high-performance medicine? This will be followed by a round table discussion with experts Should the right to have children be limited?
Thursday 27th October from 2-4pm – Saint Louis Amphitheatre
Faced with the ecological problem of overpopulation, should the number of births be limited? The question will be approached here from a legal angle questioning the practical feasibility of such a measure, and a philosophical angle questioning its ethical aspect.
The future of the vulnerable person through the digital lens
Friday 28th and Saturday 29th October – RS 248
A multidisciplinary and international conference bringing together doctoral students and young doctors on the themes of digitisation, dematerialisation and the virtualisation of society. The aim is to imagine the impact on vulnerable people, but also the benefits and how to limit the risks.
Check out all the upcoming events in our calendar!
Registration coming soon
Article edited the 12 September 2022
See also
International / Students