Blandine Mallevaey and Alice Fretin, respectively Professor and Lecturer at the FLD, are very pleased to announce the release of the book they co-edited, “L’enfant et le sexe”. |
Blandine Mallevaey et Alice Fretin, respectively Professor and Lecturer at the FLD, are very pleased to announce the releaseby the Dalloz Editions of the book they co-edited, entitled “L’enfant et le sexe”.
This non-standard subject can be understood in different ways, as ‘child’ and ‘sex’ have several definitions and contain many issues, which the law sometimes struggles to grasp fully.
This collective work presents twenty-five contributions gathered in three parts : the sex of the child, the sexuality of adults and the child, and the sexuality of the child. The contributions deal with subjects as diverse as intersexed children, transsexed children or victims of sexual violence, the child’s voice, teenage pregnancies, prostitution of minors, sex education, the sexual freedom of the child, etc.
With the contribution of : Marie-Pascale Allard, Sandie Batista, Véronique Borde-Boullu, Laurence Calandri, Françoise Dekeuwer-Défossez, Alice Fretin, Eloïse Gennet, Anne-Claire Grandjean, Laurence Guyon, Geoffroy Hilger, Mathilde Hirsinger, Léa Jardin, Romain Job, Julie Leonhard, Christelle Leprince, Elise Lhéritier, Blandine Mallevaey, Géraldine Mathieu, Catherine Ménabé, Pierre Michel, Amélie Niemiec, Eric Péchillon, Aloïse Quesne, Anne-Catherine Rasson, Stéphanie Renard, Marion Rousseaux, François-Xavier Roux-Demare, Fabrice Toulieux, François Vialla.
This book, which is at the heart of the current news, brings together the reflections of private and public law researchers, internists, Europeanists and internationalists on several topics related to children, sex and sexuality, while decompartmentalizing the various branches of law in order to highlight complex notions.
The protection of the body and person of the child, his or her autonomy, discernment and consent are some of the themes questioned. Although the best interest of the child is supposed to be at the heart of each of the issues discussed, the book shows that the very nebulous content of this notion is particularly acute when it comes to considering the interests of the child from the point of view of sex and sexuality.
“L’enfant et le sexe”, co-directed par Alice Fretin and Blandine Mallevaey, 48€, Dalloz Editions :
Blandine Mallevaey and Alice Fretin would like to dedicate this book to Professor Françoise Dekeuwer-Défossez and express their deep gratitude for the advice she gave them for this project and more broadly in their scientific activities since the beginning of their thesis. |
L’enfant et le sexe, co-directed by Alice Fretin et Blandine Mallevaey, 48€, Dalloz Editions :
Article edited the 1 June 2021
See also
International / Students