Lille / Students

A very nice Graduation Ceremony – Gisèle Halimi class

The Graduation Ceremony for our 2021/2022 class was held at the Lille exhibition Center! A unique moment where we honoured Gisèle Halimi, godmother of the event and emblematic feminist lawyer for her fights for the defence of women’s rights. This ceremony was very successful and full of emotion.
Let’s look back at some of the highlights!

The ceremony started with speeches from Mrs. Thérèse Lebrun, President of the Université Catholique de Lille, Ioannis Panoussis, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Maria Cornaz Bassoli, National Secretary of the Association Choisir la cause des femmes (“Choosing the women’s cause”). A remarkable presence in a predominantly female Faculty of Law!

A large number of accompanying persons, in particular parents, were here to witness the consecration of the 5 years of study that their child had just completed. The atmosphere was one of euphoria for the students and pride for the parents and accompanying adults.

1,200 people came especially to celebrate this high point of our Faculty of Law. And among them, of course, the entire teaching staff, always very moved to be able to accompany their students on stage and give them the diploma that marks the end of this cycle, which is so important for everyone. The management team, positioned in the front row, had all the time in the world to enjoy the presentation of each graduating class.

More than 375 graduates paraded on stage, not forgetting of course the valedictorians, thanked by the Dean in person for the seriousness and commitment they had put into their studies. Dressed in the toga and the cap, the famous “cap throwing moment” closed this ceremony and launched the rest of the festivities!

And it was around a nice cocktail that parents, accompanying adults, graduates and teachers were able to share their memories of the year over a glass of champagne. This was a great opportunity to get closer to the families and to accompany them in this more than symbolic moment where each ex-student was able to look back on his or her career at the Faculty of Law of the Université Catholique de Lille.

This ceremony, as always, kept its promises and it is with memories full of head that our young graduates are getting ready to fly with their own wings. Congratulations to them for their great career!

Article edited the 24 April 2023

See also

International / Lille

Europe Month at the FLD

Information / Lille

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